Jean Mackie
Artist >:< Intuitive >:< Joyologist
Creative spirit, mystical minded, loves watching fireworks on rooftops, hanging lanterns on the trees, eating lemon curd on peanut butter, drinking juniper water at sweat lodges, putting warm clothes on from the dryer, finding money in a pocket, getting postcards from cool places, mixing old things with brand new, seeing Christmas lights in summertime, clearing everything with a leaf blower, snapping packaging wrap uncontrollably, dressing up in foreign clothes, screaming loud on top a roller coaster, chasing possibilities worth pursuing, knowing there’s always something fun to look forward to.

(310) 621-1362
Email: jeanmackie@mac.com
Favorite Mottos –
“Not all those who wander are lost.” – Tolkien
“Time enjoyed wasted is not wasted time.” – John Lennon
“We achieve being through doing.” – Burning Man
“Be like a river.”– Thich Nhat Hanh